Model 13000 Broadband Radiometer
The Model 13000 IR Sensor/Telescope
Assembly is designed for use as the primary
sensing element in an Earth Resource
Monitoring System such as the Clouds and
Earth Radiant Energy System which will be
flown aboard NASA's Earth Observing System
spacecraft of the AM and PM series as well as
the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission
(TRMM-1). The telescope is capable of broad
spectral sensitivity and has a very large radiance dynamic range.
Spectra Response: 0.2 to 50 microns
Clear Aperture: 18mm dia.
Telescope Focal Ratio: 1.84
Field of View: Truncated diamond: 1.30 x 2.60
Detector: Uncooled Thermistor Bolometer
Detector Active Area: 1.53mm x 1.53mm
Noise Equiv. Irradiance: 0.05W/(m2*sr) at optimum bias @ operating temperature =380C
The unit consists of three major subassemblies (1) Cassegrain telescope (2) Baffle for stray
light and (3) detector assembly consisting of an active and compensating element.
Radiation enters the unit through the baffle, passes through the telescope and is imaged
onto the IR detector.
Optional filters can be supplied to provide specific wavelength selectivity up to 150